Hindu Education

The Hindu Society SA provides a range of Hindu educational programs. Upcoming classes are listed here with contact and registration details. Check back frequently for additional classes.

We are always interested in additional classes. If you would like to contribute to our Educational or Cultural program, please send a detailed proposal to the Secretary via email.

Tap the “+” to see further details of a class.

Srimadh Bhagavad Geetha Chanting ClassWeekly on Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 6:45pm.Learn the Geetha Dhyaana Shloka and Bhakthi, Purushottama and Karma Yogas (Chapters 12,15 and 3).Manjunatha Rudrapatna - manju.rudrapatna@gmail.com
Lecture Series on topics of community interestOne Saturday every monthFollow us on Facebook for exact date, timings, and programs.If you are a subject matter expert and/or have an informative topic that you would like to present, contact Dr Swapna Sengupta (0403 309 176)
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